August and September 2020
Video from YouTube
Publish your project on Netlify
How it works:
  • Commit your Quarkly project to the GitHub repository;
  • Log in to Netlify (or sign up if you don't have an account);
  • Select the GitHub repositories that Netlify will be able to access;
  • Select an existing site on Netlify or create a new one;
  • Press the "Deploy to Netlify" button;
  • Click on the link to the site when the "Success" sign appears on the badge.
How to publish changes:
  • Commit the changes to the master branch of the GitHub repository via the builder interface;
  • Click the "Deploy to Netlify" button that will start the process of building and publishing the project
After deploying, the "Deploy to Netlify" button will not be available until new changes in the project are committed. The repository that is used to build a site in Netlify can be replaced with another.
Video from YouTube
Upload Images
Now you can upload your images to the project. Upload several files at a time with the maximum size of 4MB.
Page settings
Configure the description, URL, global styles, and favicon for each page.
Video from YouTube
What's inside:
  • Favicon. Install unique icons for different devices and individual tile background color for Windows 10.
  • SEO settings. Specify the title, description and add Open Graph markup for social networks.
  • Global styles. Assign styles directly to the "body" tag of the page. They can affect the default styles of nested components.
And more!
  • Enjoy the new breakpoint selection interface. Now, when you enter the project, the last active page is shown;
  • You can sort variables in the theme;
  • Double click on Image opens the image selection modal window;
  • Google Page Insight metrics have been improved for projects
  • The shadow color is now displayed;
  • Code components nested in other code components are now available for export