February — April 2021
Modal window with Quarkly component catalog
Component Сatalog
The Components tab appeared in the new interface for adding blocks. Here primitives, custom components, and catalog components are stored. There are more than 40 components in the catalog, and the list is regularly updated. The right side of the modal window contains information about each component. Here you can read about how to work with the component, what properties it has, and what they are for.
Project dependencies panel in the Quarkly interface
Dependencies Tab
The Dependencies tab was added to the project settings.
Here you can find all the project dependencies and add new ones with a specified version.
Welcome to our freshly created community forum —community.quarkly.io. Feel free to ask questions and suggest your ideas.
Quarkly Forum
Video from YouTube
Project load speed improved (by 3.5 times)
The Adding panel and the Pages and Layers panel in the Quarkly interface
Updated Panels
The Adding panel was added and the Layers panel was updated. Now you can change the panel width.
Account panel in the Quarkly interface
New Account Panel
It now opens on the right side and contains more information.
Component loading status in the right panel
Component Loading Status
If the component is still loading and the user has selected it, the right panel is shown in the upload mode.
Controls Redesign on the Page
No block controls anymore. New Add buttons were added.
Overrides Fixes
Some minor things in Overrides were fixed.
Backup Component Storage
We added component loading from backup sources in case of errors on the main source.